8 Tips on how to improve managing interactive projects

Here is the list of successful skills / habits I identified:
1. Observe / Anticipate: There is definitely a soft skill that Project Managers can all work on. The skill of observing how your team works together. Through this skill you can then begin to predict behaviours for future projects and possibly identify future challenges and risks. Nobody can really predict the future with 100% accuracy - but being able to anticipate possible challenges enables you to lead the team with foresight.
2. Research: Understanding the technology that will be the foundation of the interactive project assigned to you can help in your ability to deliver it on time and budget. At the start of a new project, take some time to do research and ask questions of the tech team. Nobody is expecting you to execute the work, but understanding the tasks at hand will help in ensuring your project structure enables the team to succeed.
3. Facilitate: Once the project is underway, provide assistance to your team members in facilitating their tasks. small and mundane tasks are the bane of everyone's existence. Taking ownership and facilitating tasks, such as; scheduling meetings, booking rooms, reviewing and gathering creative assets for hand off to tech teams can all help ensure a smooth project execution.
4. Negotiate: As all good project managers know, our greatest skill is negotiation: especially in the task of negotiating more time to complete a project than maybe required. It will help account for mitigating any unanticipated risks that may occur. Or, you may just deliver the project ahead of schedule. Be aware in your negotiations that you are striving for an outcome that is beneficial to the existence of the project.
5. Tracking: Keep an eye on your team's progress on an regular basis. Watch for signs of slippage - and address it as soon as possible with the resource. Tracking their progress will provide you with a clear picture of your project's process - and enable you to correct projects that are slide off-track. However, be conscious that there is a threshold with every resource between "status updates" and "nagging". Find that balance and you will not seen as a "whipping stick" roving the hallways "PM'ing" everyone.
6. Lead time for resources: If possible, provide resources with advance notice of projects and their expected participation. This will enable the resources- and help structure their priorities. And more importantly it demonstrates respect for the resources' time.
7. Document: Be a stickler for status and tracking documentation. This task can be the most time consuming but the content that you capture is pure gold.
8. Communicate: Be sure to meet with your team members to understand their status - be it formal or informal. Also be the fountain of knowledge for the project. And if you are unsure of an answer, seek out the answer quickly. Ensure your interactions are timely, and crucial to facilitating your resources end goals. When required, schedule efficient meetings.
Labels: Process